Friday, November 26, 2010

Halloween Hits List

Every Halloween I like to post my Halloween Favorites. Even though they're a little late, here they are: Jessie taking a break from her Toy Story role and slipping into her cheerleader role.
Matt and pals were ready to save the planet! This year the theme for them was super hereos. Not sure why Grant and Cori didn't get the memo.
I think this is the Nacho Libre version of Superman!
The Dead Ballerinas and an Aerobics Diva. Loved the spiders and creepy crawlies in their hair!
Neighbors JD and Dawson helped Jessie feel at home!
The Foursome: Rapunzel, a couple of Harry Potters, and a Jessie.

Emma and Kaela's "Best Friends" costume was darling. Not sure what the other two girls are though.
Neighbor, Greg Matis always takes the cake! This year he was Samuel Clemens. Yes, you're right... Mark Twain
Miss Pig and Miss Cow
One of my Young Woman, sweet Kenna
Gypsy Girl
Looks like Jordan didn't get the memo either.
Superman saving the planet.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Snow Fun!

Oh. The joys of winter. It's all so fun (except the dressing and undressing part! Ugh!)
I think Anna needs some new snow clothes! The boys' snow ramp

A man travels the world over in search of what he needs, and returns home to find it.

- George Moore