Friday, July 18, 2008

Kaela Turns 7

It was Kaela's birthday this week. She turned 7. It's hard to believe this tall, beautiful little thing is growing up so fast. Here's a pic with Grandma Barbara, who came bearing gifts!!
We kidnapped Kaela and took her to Sweet Tomatoes (restaurant of her choice, not ours) for a birthday dinner.
So happy about her soft serve icecream. I think the solution to all children's worries is unlimited access to a soft serce icecream machine!
Grandma Shirley brought the birthday loot! Always a favorite amongst the kids.
Grandma Linda called and told Kaela to check the mail. There she found one more pot of God!! Thanks, Grandma and Grandpas. We love you!!

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A man travels the world over in search of what he needs, and returns home to find it.

- George Moore